A group of people are having a conversation in a room with a clock in the background
About Us

Our Primary Purpose

Over the years, we have found that a team approach can be an effective method to help clients who have a wide variety of needs as they maneuver through a complex financial-services world.

Finding Your Fit

We invite you to discover and experience the power of our services. We believe it has vast benefits for our clients to get opinions from several sources with diverse backgrounds, education, and experience.

No one strategy fits everyone, which is why every client gets our undivided attention—from planning to execution to follow-up. We take a proactive approach to helping you develop a strategy to address your tax and accounting goals and objectives, using the most efficient methods available.

Recognizing that everyone encounters challenges along the way, we strive to anticipate and address those situations as they occur. We want to keep you on track toward a meaningful and purpose-driven financial future.

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Meet the Team

Robert W. Johnson

Robert W. Johnson

Principal/Tax Professional

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James Kozik, CPA

James Kozik, CPA

Principal/Certified Public Accountant

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Marsha DiDomenico

Nicholas Marino

Partner/ Accountant

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James Kozik, CPA

Shaun Bartole

Tax Accountant

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Marsha DiDomenico

Marsha DiDomenico

Senior Operations Manager

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Robert W. Johnson

Robert W. Johnson

President and Chief Financial Consultant

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Caitlynn Rendon

Caitlynn Rendon

Senior Financial Consultant

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James Kozik, CPA

James Kozik, CPA

Senior Financial Consultant

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Marsha DiDomenico

Marsha DiDomenico

Senior Financial Consultant

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Our Mission

As the premier provider of accounting, tax and consulting services, we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations by meeting their needs in a creative and responsive manner while maintaining an uncompromised standard of ethics and a commitment to provide innovative and value-added solutions.

Our primary goals is to develop a long-term, trusting relationship with you.

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